Hope everyone had a great weekend!!! We sure did, although it went by way to fast. Here are a ton of pictures of Lainey from the past couple of days. I should have a ton of pictures to come too. This week is Trevor and my birthday, Lainey's 4 months, grandma's birthday and best of all Grandma is coming on sunday!!!! We are really looking forward to this week. Oh and I think this means a ton of cake!!!! Although I don't really need it because Lainey and I are starting a workout class this week, but you know I will have it:)
Trevor snapped this picture this morning before he left for work. You see Lainey does start in her crib every night, but by 1am you can find us like this. Now for all of you anti baby in bed people, would you be able to resist this!!! It is truly the best feeling in the world to wake up beside her, sorry Trev:) The other day I woke up and looked at her and she gave me the biggest smile ever, I have no idea how long she was awake for, she must have known mom needed her sleep that day:)

This weekend Trevor taught Lainey how to hold a toy and how to bring it too her mouth. You see we can see Lainey's teeth starting to come in and she wants everything in her mouth, usually we hold it for her, but she is old enough now to do it. Great job Trevor you are an amazing dad!

Taste SOOOO good!

Once again I LOVE those eye!

This is a picture of Lainey's area in the main room. I got Trevor to put up these hooks awhile ago, and I just love them. It really completes her area.

This past weekend I lent my ergo insert to my friend. So I decided to pull out a sling I had bought before Lainey was born. I had tried it once when Lainey was really small and did not like it, but I thought why not try it again. And guess what we both love it! Here are a few pictures of Lainey and I. Oh in the picture below you might notice my bangs are short. This morning I had enough and decided to cut them...big mistake!!!!! Will I ever learn not to cut my own bangs....I'll be 29 this week so I am thinking NO. lol

She can not resist sleep when she is in here.

Here's is a picture prior to scissors, who see I had to do something! Oh and you might notice I am giving Lainey a run for her cheeks....too much ice cream.

Lainey taking the world in!

Love those eyes!!

Tummy time is not so bad anymore.

Hope everyone has a great week too!