Anyone know how to stop time??? I can not believe our little girl is 6 months already and I know everything that is going to happen next is going to be fun and exciting but can't we just live in this moment for awhile longer?
We have had such an amazing journey with this little angel. We could not have imagined life to be this amazing and for her to bring so much joy to our life on a daily basis.
I am so excited for the holiday's this year, we have breakfast with Santa, a Christmas light train ride and lots of time with friends and family.
Lainey also has a 6 month birthday party this weekend. I will be sure to take lots of photo's to share.

This is LAiney on her 6 month birthday! Do you remember when we brought her home and she was 1/3 this size and barely fit in the carseat? Look back at this post.

Originally this was Lainey Christmas outfit, well there is ruffle bums to go with it. Now she has a pretty dress to wear so I brought these Christmas babylegs out the other day when we had out first snow fall.

I might be bias but I just LOVE her eyes!
This picture really shows how tall she is.

Lately when I feed her and hold her like this she loves to touch and discover my face. It is such a great feeling to have her look up at me with so much love in her eyes.

Christmas came a little bit early. We got her a jumperoo, well actually grandma and grandpa got it for her. We picked it up on saturday and washed it and got it all ready. Well when she woke up sunday morning she was so excited.

Bahaha this picture kills me. So we introduced avocado's the other day. At first she loved them, honestly the first half of the bowl. Then it was like she realized what she was eating. So funny.

I don't know if you feel what I feel when I look at this picture but I will tell you it is a lot of love.

I thought this one was funny, it is like she is about to run.

Happy 6 months Lainey, we love you and are so thankful to have you in our life everyday!